Transformation Part 2

So why tell you all this?

Because this. This questioning. It changed my life in every conceivable way.

I used to say I blew up my life but now I see it a different way. I redirected it. Got back on the authentic path and found myself.

Was it easy? Oh hell no.

Is it easy? Still no.

Was it worth it? In the middle of the storm . Like when it was really raging – I might have given you a different answer minute to minute.

But now. Yes absolutely. Because as hard as it is, It is extraordinary too. I have lived adventures I never thought possible. Explored myself in ways I never would have dreamed of. Become who I am meant to be.

Why should anyone care about this? You ask? And I don’t blame you.

Because I am living the blueprint of ways to do this for yourself however big or small. Radical change to tiny baby steps.

I am a medical doctor and psychiatrist. And now you see, my job is that of a psychotherapist and motivational expert. I am going to be exploring the topics of sexuality, love, relationships and life transformation on here with you in an educational way. This is not meant to replace individual therapy, should you need that. But as guidance and experience.

The journey never ends and I am still very much on my path. I am, in fact, the path. I invite you to come along with me as I explore love sexuality and desire from many angles.

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